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Technical documents and research

Read our experimentation, investigation and preparation work, research papers and technical documents related to our ongoing work on a digital euro.

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Preparation phase documentation

The focus of the preparation phase, which started in November 2023, is to lay the foundations for the potential issuance of a digital euro. This includes finalising the digital euro rulebook and selecting providers that could potentially develop a digital euro platform and infrastructure.

All preparation phase documentation

Investigation phase documentation

Between October 2021 and October 2023, as part of the digital euro project’s investigation phase, we conducted a prototyping exercise and invited market participants to take part in market research in order to get an overview of options for the technical design of possible digital euro components and services. The experimental work was conducted in close collaboration with the market. Focus group research also feeds into the project work by providing insights into peoples’ attitudes towards digital payment methods.

All investigation phase documentation

Experimentation work documentation

In September 2020 the Eurosystem’s High-Level Task Force on Central Bank Digital Currency launched experimental work on a digital euro with a view to assessing, and gaining further insights into, the technological feasibility of design choices for a digital euro.

All experimentation work documentation

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